Vicenza’s foremost industrial forum to be held at Marelli Motori

Marelli Motori, Italy’s leading manufacturer of industrial electric motors and generators, will welcome well over 1,000 of the country’s industry and government leaders to its headquarters near Vicenza for the prestigious annual General Assembly of Confindustria Vicenza 2023.

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Bergen Engines will be at Hydrogen Technology Expo

Discover how this iconic engine builder is becoming part of the hydrogen evolution.

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Reader secures £5 million investment

Reader to boost annual production to over 10 millions bags

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Gladiators keep the heat on in Barcelona

Langley Holdings’ Gladiator Sailing Team notched up their third podium of the season at the Rolex TP52 World Championship in Barcelona, August 22-26.

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Halbjahresbericht heute veröffentlicht

Neuer PBT-Rekord für ein erstes Halbjahr, Erholung nach der Pandemie in vollem Gange.

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The Power of 10: Modular 10MW units that scale to 100MW+ for locally generated and conditioned power

Power users with requirements in the 10MW-100MW range (and beyond) are seeking grid independence options.

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