Bergen Engines to provide 1,000MW of power to Nigeria’s grid

$500m deal signed in Beijing Bergen Engines, formerly Rolls-Royce Bergen Engines, has signed an agreement with CGGC-UNPOWER, the Chinese infrastructure provider, to supply 80 of its largest engines fitted with Marelli Motori alternators to Malatex, the Nigerian power company.

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Piller UPS Chosen by US Semiconductor Manufacture

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Piller power system to safeguard Denmark’s Odense Hospital of the Future

Piller Power Systems, a global leader in power protection solutions, is fortifying power protection for the 10,8 MW Odense University Hospital (OUH), Denmark’s largest hospital built from scratch, currently under construction close to the City of Odense in the South of the country.

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One billion impressions and counting…

Chinese customer’s ROLAND 700 hits one billion impressions…their four other R700s well on the way to “Billionaire” status. Zhejiang based Hangzhou Dingzheng Packaging Materials Co Ltd, has recently passed the extraordinary milestone of one billion impressions on one of its five manroland ROLAND 700 presses.

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