Langley Match Fund policy boosts employees’ donations as they take the Pandemic head-on and raise tens of thousands for their favourite charities.

Langley Holdings salutes its employees who have found ways to keep raising money for charity and doubling their donations through the Langley charity match funding policy.

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2020 Annual Report & Accounts available for download

Langley Holdings plc, the diverse engineering and industrial group, today published its IFRS Annual Report & Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020.

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Covid-19 Lighthouse Laboratory rapid lease agreement ensures ramp up of critical North East testing operation

A Lighthouse Laboratory is a high throughput facility that is dedicated to COVID-19 testing for the National Testing Programme.

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Latest Acquisition for Druck Chemie Division

Langley Holdings plc (Langley), the diverse engineering and industrial group announced today its DC Druck Chemie GmbH (Druck Chemie) division has acquired printing chemicals consumables manufacturers BluePrint Products NV and Hi-Tech Chemicals BV from Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG.

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Lemonade stand raises $2000 for the Salvation Army

8 year old Ana (now 9), the daughter of Henrik Wetegrove President of Claudius Peters (Americas) Inc, recently raised $1,000 for the Salvation Army in Dallas TX by hosting a street sale lemonade stand.

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Gateshead’s Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 28th September employees at Clarke Chapman in Gateshead held a Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

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