The group operates across three distinct divisions, each catering to diverse markets worldwide.

Ricavi: €301m | Dipendenti: 1,355

The Other Industrials Division encompasses a variety of diverse industrial businesses located in Germany, France and the UK. Key companies within this division include Claudius Peters, specialists in material handling and processing; ARO Welding Technologies, the world’s leading producer of resistance welding equipment for the automotive sector; Bradman Lake, experts in packaging machinery solutions; Reader Cement Products, the UK’s largest independent manufacturer of blended cement products; and Clarke Chapman, suppliers to the nuclear, defense, and rail sectors.

Claudius Peters

Costruttore di macchinari per l’impiantistica & di componenti aereospaziali

ARO Welding Technologies SAS

Produttore di attrezzature per la saldatura per l'industria automobilistica

Bradman Lake Group Ltd

Costruttore di macchine per l’imballaggio

Clarke Chapman Group Ltd

Produttore specializzato nella movimentazione dei materiali

Reader Cement Products Ltd

Miscelazione & Insaccaggio cemento


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