Retford – 21st February, 2023
Langley Holdings plc, the diverse engineering and industrial group, today released its IFRS Annual Report & Accounts for 2022.
In the year to 31 December, the group recorded revenues of €1.2 billion and a profit before tax (PBT) of €75.8 million.
In his Chairman’s Review, Mr Tony Langley said that the overall 2022 result was “satisfactory”.
Bergen Engines, the Norwegian engine producer acquired from Rolls-Royce in December 2021, had “a successful first year’s trading under Langley stewardship.”
Revenues grew by some 40% on the previous year and the group came into 2023 with an order backlog of €900 million.
Download Key Highlights & Chairman’s Review here
Download full 2022 IFRS Annual Report & Accounts here
About Langley Holdings
Langley Holdings plc is a privately owned UK based engineering and industrial manufacturing group, principally producing capital equipment to diverse markets worldwide.
Langley businesses are either outright market leaders, or occupy strong niche positions in their respective fields, providing advanced technologies in a solutions-based approach. The group operates in three principal areas: Power Solutions, Print Technologies and Other Industrials.
The group’s operations are based in Germany, Italy, France the UK and Norway, with 18 production facilities in Europe, the UK and the USA. The group more has more than 90 sales and service subsidiaries worldwide and employs around 5,300 people. The group was established in 1975 by the current Chairman & CEO, Anthony Langley and remains entirely in family ownership.